<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_green.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_green.svg" width="40px" /> These assignments are offered as suggestions for ways to assimilate the material in the lesson. Do whichever call you, adapting them to suit your particular learning needs and style. And feel free to come up with entirely different ones.

You can find the lesson for this assignment on Substack.


Assignment 1: Journal: Tracking the Weather

If you feel called to do so, begin tracking the weather in your journal. Note the basics like the temperature, the wind, whether it’s sunny or cloudy, humid or dry, etc. Also note the sign the Sun is in and consider how the weather reflects the sign, if it does. Include this information as part of your journal practice so that you can note connections, if they are there, between the weather and what you’re experiencing in your life.

Assignment 2: Make Your Own Tropical Calendar

Using whatever medium most appeals to you - pen and paper, construction paper and markers or crayons, an online design tool like Canva or Figma, water color, etc - create your own tropical calendar.

Assignment 3: Write Up a Season-Based Description of a Sign

Write a brief season-based description of the sign the Sun is in whenever you get to this assignment. How can the qualities and characteristics of the season be seen in the sign and give insight into it. And how does the sign give insight into the season.